Greetings, listeners and readers. Hope you’re having as calm a Wednesday as you possibly can, with just six days to go until the presidential election.
Distraction is key right now. Even if you’re out there fighting the good fight, going door-to-door to drum up voter turnout, you need some respite.
Our podcast feature Pop! Goes the Culture is all about how and when literary works show up in the zeitgeist. So our Wednesday “cawffee tawk” (all hail the goddesses Maya Rudolph and Amy Poehler, whose SNL “Bronx Beat” take on Mike Myers’ Coffee Talk skits made them better, like buttah; they ran with “sweater weather” and made it a permanent part of everyone’s autumnal lingo) will focus, this week, on missed opportunities in our adaptation-heavy media landscape.
Which stories or books do you wish would be made into a movie or TV series? It could be something no one has touched yet, or it could be a book that’s already been adapted many times. Maybe you loathed the most recent take on, hmmmmm, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? (Even the delicious Monsieur Chalamet couldn’t save it.) Or perhaps you’re eagerly awaiting a series based on The House on the Cerulean Sea by T. J. Klune?
Please let us know, in the Comments. Who knows, you might get talked up in a future episode. That’s not as thrilling as selling the rights to your own novel, but it’s still more fun than our current political process.
PSA: GET OUT AND VOTE! We’re all depending on you. Yes, you!